Airport Environment
43MN Airport Arrival
The Superior Aero Estates airport consists of the 3,500’ x 100’ runway surface and the taxiway. Runway 15 and 33 are both available for use during daylight hours; the airport does not have lighting. Runway33 is right traffic and any arriving aircraft is required to enter the pattern via a mid-field crosswind 500’ above pattern altitude. The windsock is located to the East of the R33 threshold.
Please review airport information prior to arrival:
The taxiway is 700’ long from the center of the runway and 80’ wide. The cul-de-sac has a 70’ radius and is surrounded by trees providing plenty of sheltered space for guest aircraft parking. There is a 2.44% grade from the cul-de-sac to the runway providing a gentle slope for drainage.
Runway Surface
The runway has a clear zone that is 200’ wide and extends the length of the runway. Each runway end has a safety area that is 240’ long x 200’ wide in the event of a runway excursion. The primary runway surface has a 0.05% grade to the North to support drainage to the spring-fed pond on the departure end of R33.